In all my years embedded in the medical world, surgery, trauma and wound healing, I did not understand the importance of scar therapy. Training in this area has opened a new and exciting area of treatment that offers multifaceted healing. When combined with lymphatic massage healing is accelerated and scarring is minimized.

Treatments can benefit new and old scars. Scar therapy is best started once the wound has healed and there is no longer any scabs present. Lymphatic drainage can start earlier to minimize swelling and pain.


—> promotes optimum scar healing after surgery/injury and minimizes long term complications.

—>reduces tightness and adhesions in scar tissue.

—>increases mobility between the layers of skin, fascia and muscle, range and ease of movement can improve.

—>improves the appearance of scars, pigmentation, encourages scars to heal smoothly not raised, addresses keloid scars and reduces potential for widened scars and puckering.

—> supports the emotional recovery of scars.

—>reduces pain and discomfort.

—>Stimulation to the area can modify sensation, numbness and nerve irritation.

—> Healing gels and patches can be used to promote healing where appropriate


Given the right environment the body will heal